Tuesday, December 13

Day2, Something I feel stronly about

If you guys may remember, a few days ago I've started to do the 30 days challenge and a few days later (today) I'm only at Day 2. Such a failure yo'!

I feel strongly about relationships. Whether is it family tie, friendship or even my relationship with my boyfriend. Yes when you do things, luck plays a big part. Circumstances too play a big part in whether or not the thing you do is succesful. People around you are as important because they are your pillars of strength that hold you up when you are at your weakest. For me, my parents are there for me no matter what shit I got myself into. Friends? They are your reality check or rather, a piece of mirror that exposes your deepest secrets. Even if you try your hardest to deceive yourself, they will not hesitate to reveal the truth and yes, even if it means hurting your feelings. Boyfriend? When no one else is there for you, he will be there for you. I'm not saying all the time luh...but he tries to be there as much as possible.

If you know me well enough, I make friends easily but I don't keep the friendship cos I'm a lazy person like that. Hate on me lor. I know that this kind of attitude is so act popular but I mean...if you have a smaller circle of friends, you can like...give more attention to your friends ma :) Okok, that's all for today~ Sorry for the shortness of this post. I've decided to do Day3 too!

A book you love

I have many many many books that I've read and a few that I've fallen in love with. When I was younger, I loved the Harry Potter series. I've read the entire series way before the movies have been produced (not trying to show off) which is why I find the series totally BORING. I mean the only plus point is probably gonna be watching Emma Watson getting progressively hotter and laughing at Ron's stupidity and Voldemort's lack of nose...:) Ditto for the Twillight series. When I was reading the book, I pictured Edward Cullen to be someone perfect...way hotter than Robert Pattinson and Jacob to be someone coarse and ugly with excessive body hair but...no. Taylor is HOT STUFF. Jodi Picoult books always brings me so close to the characters of the story that sometimes I imagine that I was part of that story :x So...sorrrry~ I can't choose my fave.

In lower sec when I still had a young and slutty mind, I enjoyed reading Fatal Seductions (Book 1 & 2) by Douglas Lee. It's about how a womanizer (book 1) and promicuous woman (book2) spread AIDS due to their promiscuous activities. And...the process was described in extreme detail...ermhem that's all I'm saying ;)

Have a nice day!


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